Before we go into the topic: Google Lime Scholarship, let’s treat some background studies. Starting from the Overview
In order to encourage and support students in becoming future leaders in computing and technology, Google’s education and scholarship initiatives work to remove obstacles standing in their way. We’ve joined Lime Connect, a nonprofit that supports students with disabilities as they pursue education and promising jobs, as part of our commitment to assist university students with disabilities in achieving their academic objectives in the field of computer science. For the 2022–2023 academic year, chosen students will receive 5,000 CAD or 10,000 USD, depending on where they are studying.
Who Can Apply?
Those interested in applying must:
- have, or believe they have, a disability, visible or invisible (see Lime Connect’s perspective on disability here)
- be enrolled in a university as an undergraduate or graduate student for the school year 2021–2022.
- Plan to enroll in a university full-time in the United States or Canada for the academic year 2022–2023
- Maintain a high level of performance in school
has a degree in computer science, computer engineering, or a closely related technical field in your sights. - Show leadership and enthusiasm for technology and computer science
Application process
Through Lime Connect, you will be required to submit an online application that asks you to:
- Background data in general (e.g. contact information and details about your current and intended universities)
- Resume/CV
- transcripts of grades from both your current and previous colleges (if you have earned a prior degree)
- One recommendation letter from a professor, instructor, adviser, or manager
Three brief essay questions and answers - The overall quality of the applicants’ essays and other application materials will be taken into consideration when choosing the recipients.
Selection Process
The selection process and the criteria to be considered for Google Lime Scholarship is based on
- The overall quality of applicants’ their essays and applications
- Academic performance in the past
- Extracurricular activities
Students who are recipients of the program for scholarships must know that their enrollment will be confirmed. Once the verification is completed, that students are awarded the prize they were awarded to cover tuition fees and other expenses related to their studies. In addition, the scholarship amount will be transferred directly to the recipient’s account in the bank.
Scholarship Type | Merit-Based |
Offered by | Corporate |
Organization | Google and Lime Connect |
Application Deadline | Dec 04 ,2021 |
No. of Scholarships | N/A |
Amount | $10,000 |
Renewability | One Time Payment |
International Students Eligible | Yes |
Scholarship Website Link | https://buildyourfuture.withgoogle.com/scholarships/google-lime-scholarship |
- Students who have been previous winners of Google Lime Scholarship are not qualified to apply since they are not considered
- The recipient must be enrolled at an Canadian University as a full-time student in computer science or in a related field of study prior to the transfer of funds to the account of the recipient.
- The recipient can only delay their award for an academic year up to one year beginning from the initial start date.
Terms & Conditions
Lime Connect is in charge of managing the Google Lime Scholarship. For complete details on the scholarship, please visit Lime Connect’s website. Google may keep anonymized copies of submitted applications as a resource for upcoming scholarship assessments.
Google Computer Science Scholarship

Academic Level: High School Students
Undergraduate Students
Graduate Students (Masters)
Graduate Students (PhD)
The Generation Google Scholarship
At Google We believe that information should be available to all. Our scholarship and education programs are designed to encourage and empower students to become technological leaders by removing the barriers that keep them from getting into these fields.
The Generation Google Scholarship was established in order to help computer scientists who want to achieve their goals in technology and be experts in their field. The winners will be awarded 10,000 USD (for students within the US) or 5 dollars (for students studying within Canada). In exchange for the scholarship the current high school seniors who are about to start their first year at university are required to take part in the Google’s Computer Science Summer Institute (CSSI) during the summer. Current students in either the undergraduate or graduate programs are invited to join Google’s Scholars’ Retreat.
Who is eligible to apply?
Generation Google Scholarships for high school seniors in the current year.
To be eligible for a job to be eligible, applicants must
- You must be a current high school senior.
- The goal is to be enrolled an academic program or be accepted for full-time scholar at an institution within the US or Canada. Are planning to pursue the pursuit of a Computer Science or Computer Engineering degree or a degree in the closely related field of technical science.
- Show leadership qualities and enthusiasm for technology and computer science.
- Show a academic record
- If you are a student in an underrepresented category in the field of computer sciences (African american, Hispanic, American Indian female or a person with an impairment)
- Make yourself prepared to attend the Google’s Computer Science Summer Institute (CSSI) during the summer.
Generation Google Scholarships for current students of universities.
To be eligible for a job the applicants must meet:
- Are currently either an undergraduate student or graduate in a university
- You are planning to enroll in the full time scholar at an institution within Canada or the US or Canada
- Achieving an Computer Science or Computer Engineering degree, or in an area of closely related technical expertise
- Show leadership qualities and an interest in technology and computer science.
- Show a academic record
- You must be a member of an under-represented group in the field of computer sciences (African American Hispanic, American Indian or Female.)
- Students with disabilities should apply to the Google Lime Scholarship on (domain.com/students/scholarships).
North America Generation Google Scholarship Application 2022
The Generation Google Scholarship was established in order to help students who want to pursue studies in computer science excel in their field and become experts in their field. The students who are selected will receive a grant of $10,000 USD (for students at a university in the US) or $5,000 in CAD (for students studying within Canada) to cover the school year 2022-2023. Generation Google Scholarship Generation Google Scholarship will be determined by the extent of each student’s dedication to equity, diversity and inclusion, their demonstrated the ability to lead and academic achievement.
It is available to all students who meet all requirements. We strongly encourage students who are from groups that have been historically excluded from the tech industry, such as Women African American, Black/African Hispanic/Latinx, American Indian, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander to apply. Candidates are not required to be currently taking part in an Associate’s or Bachelors, Masters or PhD program during the 2021-2022 academic calendar year to be eligible for the program. Winners of any of the Google Scholarships listed below include: Gen Google Scholarship, Generation Google Scholarship specifically for women involved in gaming Gen Google Scholarship: for supply chain and fulfillment Google Lime Scholarship, Google Student Veterans of America Scholarship, Women Techmakers Scholarship for Computer Science, and Women Techmakers Gaming Scholarships are not eligible for reapplication.
Who is eligible to apply?
To be eligible for a job to be eligible, applicants must
- You are planning to be enrolled the full time participant in an undergraduate, Masters, or PhD program at an accredited college or university within the United States or Canada for the 2022-2023 academic year.
- You should be taking classes in computer engineering, computer science or another closely related field of technology
- Show a solid academic record
- Demonstrate financial need
- Show leadership qualities and show passion to improve representation of minority groups in computing science and technology.
Process of application
You will be required to fill out an online application that will include:
- Background information general (e.g. contact details, as well as information on your current and upcoming schools)
- Family and household details
- Resume/CV
- Academic transcripts from the institution you are currently attending (if you’re in school) and previous institutions (if you’ve completed a degree prior to your current one)
- Responses to three quick answer essay questions
- The recipients will be chosen by the strength of their application and essay materials in comparison to the applicant pool , or to their educational peers (e.g. high school students as compared with other students in high school).
Essay Questions:
The three questions in the essay below are designed to evaluate your dedication to diversity, leadership equity, inclusion, and diversity as well as your financial needs. The three responses to the questions below must be no longer than 500 words.
- Give us an instance of how you’ve shown leadership. Define what you were trying to accomplish, what your purpose was, how you influenced others and what impact you had that resulted from your actions. Consider the various ways that you have an impact on members of the diverse communities that you are involved in. Be aware that the model you pick doesn’t have to be formal or conventional leadership position.
- What is the biggest challenge that affects historically marginalized groups within the field of technology? What do you think is the problem? What steps have you taken to overcome this problem? Be aware that the impacts can occur in a variety of ways and at various levels. Make sure to concentrate at the very least 50% of your responses on the actions you’ve made.
- Define any financial situation that could affect the eligibility to receive an award. Be sure to write about any obstacles you’ve faced to get to where you are now. What goals will this award allow you to achieve?
Prior to starting the application, you must have the following information ready to upload:
- Your resume in PDF format (if you are able to, please list the leadership positions or extracurricular activities as well as diversity, equity and inclusion efforts within your resume)
- The PDF file of your latest transcript (unofficial is fine)
- Three PDF copies of your short-answer responses
The application process is currently shut. Keep an eye out for the application deadline in 2023.
Terms and conditions
Generation Google Scholarship award Generation Google Scholarship award must be used for tuition charges, books, and other equipment needed for students taking classes at their main university. Scholarship winners must be full-time students for the academic year 2022-2023. In the event of a dispute, enrollment will be confirmed prior to the selection of winners and all scholarships will be paid direct to the recipient in order to be used to pay for costs for tuition and related expenses to education. Students who are under 18.0 at the point of their acceptance must have an adult or parent to sign these terms and conditions. We reserve the award from any scholar who is no longer meeting the eligibility requirements . We will also cancel the award for anyone who fails to fulfill the criteria for eligibility.
The selected recipients will be provided with instructions from Google regarding how to be awarded the prize. Failure to follow these steps before the deadline specified can disqualify the recipient from receiving the award. The recipients may delay their awards for upto 1 (1) year after the date of initial payment on a case-by- situation basis according to Google. Google employees aren’t qualified to be considered for Google scholarship. Individuals that are (1) citizens of embargoed countries (2) typically residents of embargoed nations or (3) otherwise restricted by the applicable export control and sanctions programs cannot apply for this scholarship.
Announcing Scholarship Winners

Before you go through for the complete List of Generation Google Scholarship Winners, be sure to note. Google is delighted to announce the last year’s winners. They represented 77 universities from 17 countries. They also showed an interest in technology.
In addition, they showed academic excellence. They also have demonstrated themselves as outstanding leaders and role examples.
In addition, when looking through this listing of Generation Google Scholarship Winners Be sure to be aware of. Google picks winners for the following scholarships:
1. Women Techmakers Scholars Program. This is the US, Canada, Europe, Middle East & Africa.
2. Furthermore, Generation Google Scholarship. This is also for high school students and students at universities who come from backgrounds with low representation in computer science.
3. Furthermore Google Lime Scholarships for students who have disabilities. This is available in the US and Canada.
4. Additionally, Google Europe Scholarship for Students with disabilities.
5. Additionally, Google Student Veterans of America (SVA) Scholarships for students with disabilities.
Important! This Scholarship Scheme isn’t yet online, but keep this page in mind as an update will be released shortly after the scholarship has been handed released.
How do you check for List of Prize Winners
To view the winners’ list just click here to view the entire winner list in Doc. format. Based on the information above. Are you still unsure?
If yes, then send it to this Email for an adequate response. Google is willing to assist with any queries specifically in connection with Generation Google Scholarship. Generation Google Scholarship.
Questions about deadlines and other important details can be answered via the website for scholarships or via Email.
But, Google will not necessarily respond to barrage messages, spam or those which are predominantly offensive or exploitative in the nature. GOOD LUCK.
Goclassroom Team.
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