How to Get Along With Your Coworkers: It’s critical to at least establish a passable relationship with your employees as you might spend more time with them than anybody else. I’m hoping it’ll be better than that. A positive work environment can make coming to work enjoyable and advance your career.
Eighty-two per cent of Americans with full-time jobs said they consider a coworker to be a friend, according to an Olivet Nazarene University survey. While 41% of respondents said they only considered their coworkers as employees, 35% said they only saw them as coworkers or actual friends. Just 2% were viewed as adversaries. 1
Although you don’t have to be friends with your coworkers, you do need to get along with them well. To get along with your employees, heed these suggestions.
Key Points
- Along with making work more enjoyable, getting along with coworkers can advance your career.
- Building relationships begins the moment you start a new job.
- Being courteous, showing respect, and being polite to your coworkers will go a long way.
- Avoid revealing too much information or broaching touchy subjects with coworkers.
- Avoid talking negatively about coworkers.
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Build Good Relationships From the Start (How to Get Along With Your Coworkers)
Strong relationships take time to develop, but they can start the moment you start a new job. Be amiable to everyone you encounter to get things off to a positive start. If you struggle to strike up a conversation, keep in mind that a friendly smile can go a long way.
Ask questions, and when others give assistance or counsel, kindly take it. Go if you’re invited to lunch with some people. It will provide you with a chance to get to know your coworkers and show them that you’re interested in doing so.
Once you’ve gotten some experience under your belt, don’t be hesitant to volunteer to assist others when they require it. Making a strong first impression starts with taking the initiative and being helpful right away.
Honour your coworkers
Even if you don’t get along with everyone on your team, you still need to show respect for one another. Avoiding offensive behaviour is the main strategy for achieving this.
For instance, tidy up after yourself, don’t take food from the refrigerator that belongs to someone else, call in sick when required to prevent spreading infection, and don’t take credit for someone else’s work. Try your best to refrain from the conduct of a coworker who complains about it unless the request is unreasonable.
Don’t Bring Up Laugh-Out-Loud Subjects
Sometimes, at least while at work, coworkers turn into friends. It’s fantastic if you feel completely at ease with them, but watch out for the danger of being so at ease that you believe no topics should be off-limits. Avoid unpleasant conversations by staying away from certain subjects, especially if you don’t have a close friendship.
Politics and religion, for example, are two contentious topics that may even spark discussions that cause strife at work. Others, such as your sexual life, could shame you. To discuss them with your friends and family outside of work, wait until you are with them.
Discover a way to get along with everyone, even the most challenging individuals.
Coworkers should be included in the proverb “you can select your friends, but you can’t choose your family.” They are not also up for selection. A couple, hopefully not too many, maybe challenging (just like some of your relatives).
Find a method to get along with everyone, no matter how bothersome they may be, whether they are a chatterbox, a gossip, a delegator, a complainer, or a credit grabber. It will greatly improve your quality of life.
Practice polite behaviour at work
Just like anywhere else, the workplace requires good manners. Always be courteous to your employees and keep this in mind whenever you are with them.
Don’t disturb anyone who is attempting to work when you make phone calls, whether they are personal on your cellphone or professional ones in your office. Talk quietly and in privacy while maintaining a low voice.
When communicating with coworkers via email or instant chat, be courteous. Always use the word “please” when asking for something, and refrain from pushing “reply all” on a group email when the sender needs to see your response only.
When eating lunch with your employees, be mindful of good table manners. For instance, avoid performing personal hygiene tasks at the table (put the dental floss away), keep your phone in your pocket or handbag, and refrain from being impolite to the wait staff.
Kindness Towards Coworkers
While always being helpful to your employees, you should also surprise them with small acts of kindness. For instance, volunteer to stay late to assist a coworker in finishing a large assignment with a pressing deadline or bring them coffee and cookies on a gloomy afternoon.
Don’t Disseminate False Information
Even if the information you provide is false, spreading rumours at work will get you into problems. Avoid talking negatively about your coworkers, even though it can seem tempting. You will come across as unreliable if you do this, and everyone will be concerned that they might become your next victim.
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